Guild info

Light of the Dawn

Guild ID: Light of the Dawn
Founder Name: Savder
Date Founded: 2021-11-29
Alliance Name:
Guild Logo:
Kill Fame: 2,405,552,344
Death Fame: 674,377,552
Attacks Won: 0
Defsesnse Won: 0

Guild Member Count

Showing 100 from 411 results

Kill & Death Fame history

Showing 100 of 858 results

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Current Guild Members

256 Members
Name KillFame
Coabandit66 9,142,347
D1rtyAnimal 662,611
3Kiska3 7,738,529
Coabandit77 10,314,884
CENTREFUGA 2,388,020
DragDef 24,615
GoblinDudec 76,475
Stonhale2 3,709,834
Iseeyourass002 163,702
Altarrax 3,899,229
K0ff3r 4,103,739
GetOutPLS 7,384
PLSGetOut 237,962
GOBALoh 7,098
Emeelya 19,788
FlaTroNiK 38,124
fatalknight01 6,455,283
k0nf1g 15,450,165
DrunkenMortician 549,337
Tradebandit 0
PappaPia 74,545
EternalAlive 2,480,193
GospodinBumagaWB 2,377,921
BezopasnayaMirka 22,063
Emelllyaan4ik 0
PDK213 2,236
BimBamBom1 811,254
SpicW 3,758,582
Emeeeeelya 0
Enfiol 173,307
Polu0sLlK 1,002,991
Emellyan4ik 892,768
Minikkora 48,443
Siviaro 11,647,271
coagangsta11 367,477
Iseeyourass001 257,089
KorakiRedMoon 4,083
Memhi 5,808,990
P1romachine 1,433,314
MorganaNightmare 35,721,963
Albionoffline405 8,671,880
Zalupupa229 1,488
SkoutKG3 2,031,874
BigDick5SM 228,526
tormoni 0
WNContact 4,902,730
BarmenBob404 7,423,917
JIeBWa1 22,231,577
JIeBWa111 41,659,100
Pastilimersion 221,082,416
tesak231 6,157,431
krotik008 103,785
mrScout003 54,720,150
TstUsr 8,321,019
IIIyTKopol9 5,987,891
AstolatHERO 10,047,288
Lyindria 2,158,096
kladmenCOA 98,774
BlotnoyUgorb 60,660
DerzkiyCraftFood 0
WaRDaGaNKa 1,417,442
Shram 26,697,717
GOBAEB 1,544
AstolatNightmare 1,449,251
ME4LIZNI 4,889,167
Fenwar 201,853
BergovskayaMark2 263,679
KotikSupreme 1,855
Bravedeer 0
WorkA11 30,318
Coabandit111 13,052,880
URIYTOP1 115,627
castatv 269,529
TaKeSHi22O 0
1ns0lent 1,000,753
KotikSupremeWB 184,721
poluBULWARK1 12,724,463
Aribel228 80,542
gumedo338 62,038
Coabandit99 2,170,135
Jumbo3 2,306,458
NeYunkauu 324,894
MaybeAngelx 451,560
BombsterG 89,900
ShalapayBoy 235,882
Aramagic 900,914
interpretatio 459,219
Coabandit55 10,883,393
Molaniya 105,458,198
Coabandit22 22,630,851
JIeBWaa 19,034,751
zxcDaRina 65,503
Albionoffline406 4,362,222
KuDuGurasu 1,079,455
ITPaBWa11 7,733,990
Coabandit3 36,509,982
morphabusee 125,497,694
Lyoste 13,930,732
unded228 1,646,373
ReyykaVersion3 65,346,136
lPAHETKAl 922,759
mrScout001 26,507,392
domon45 13,468,656
kEdome 260,826,675
JIeBWa11 31,238,648
Deathrak 0
Cektant3 0
Emeeeelya 0
Vinogradka 1,141,447
MarshalDDin 345,316
SpicX 23,492
Pradedys 0
Cektssnt 289,924
GopcaProfi 1,272,330
Janarol 1,246,592
crafterokdin 694,538
Morganova 0
YouHorny 204,611,029
D1rtyDog 349
Veld00r 4,320,707
Lexa116 919,098
Coabandit1 34,218,989
GreedyChar 339,398
HanDef 0
Performante777 0
xyuvnegre 13,008
Moloh969 0
Borgalag 38,364
Coabandit8 4,278,582
Coabandit88 2,366,425
IceDeath2 4,104,630
Pandemonii 336,389
FoxInTheBox 2,721,822
dr01010 196,816
deferok003 669,419
Latro00 2,820,345
Usuusus 4,186,417
Coabandit777 0
poluBULWARK 11,005,370
Coabandit6 15,190,530
ITPaBWa1 720,615
deferok002 352,916
EllJakas 69,315
BruceLeeKun 3,287,426
Kadzihito 70,061,228
Coabandit555 4,628,818
Cryentis 47,267,283
DegraDDoS 1,848,918
deferok001 314,527
Dwinner404 5,492,678
D1rtyBoy 41,683,708
Coabandit33 20,086,278
deathpriora 2,152,127
OldBouncer 31,026,857
DKBandit 1,623,844
Gadziro 5,077,625
Archangelonn 3,888
Nekotian 0
vawan2 1,457,948
ArchangeloGreedy 4,435,656
BulwarkSenpai 3,270,420
MaybeAngel 29,132,751
Coabandit3 7,030,850
D1rtyCock 571
II1cmII 792,510
Mewochek 733
kladmenWB 1,087,130
d1sconnect1on 0
Zhmenchik 2,964,933
10000CUTS 0
Emelllya 0
GreedySOSO4KA 16,379,655
TIRANO93 124,667,462
ZOLTAN93 1,892,817
SgsNO 633
SmotritelMirki 482,411
Pr0br0shka 3,368
Megakrag 3,451,976
Karabas291 9,335,222
Cektsnt 68,623,344
MrsAstella 0
Coabandit7 20,074,235
Coabandit222 12,915,221
Jackiechankiya 3,895,978
Lompapompa 485,754
HeavyLemon 242,845
Albionoffline404 7,052,939
Coabandit333 10,750,156
Coabandit100 2,289,697
GlinomesVolodya 2,026,585
1nso1ent 2,598,632
mrScout002 76,261,485
BA3EJlUHbI4 6,003,439
ReyykaVersion4 33,655,716
D1rtyGirl 34,066,230
Lord7k 43,211,671
T35TUser 2,420,564
krotik007 4,326,155
Diorium 3,672
Coabandit666 30,575
DarkMoon125 0
InviteMePls 101,169
GogiMagogi 0
NionCho 2,762,935
BMBandit 0
GipsyClub 2,764,813
GreedyArchangelo 8,513,148
NoMadBoNza 96,770
SpicZ 0
Coabandit11 30,107,206
ZhaoYoun 3,791,358
CitadelOfTrASH 2,887,431
ScoutKG1 0
WbanditB 116,347
TheGreatNEeye 0
KlSeLCH1K 3,542,648
0nlChan 5,073,481
EBATORIA666 58,696
Latro01 0
1satana1 0
Gopatblch 3,906,928
EyeOfAsh 162,498
RedDronFire 160,705
D1rtyCat 1,661
PDK2132 1,689,836
Emellya 0
Lolalashka 142,005
Aquaeldk 798,343
Xorakeye 0
Emellllya 0
MrC0A 7,331,552
NorthUerds 1,141,424
SEContact 4,378,584
KotyaraSupreme 1,919,122
GennAPidoor 476,999
Aktiboll 888
Cruuentis 5,401,490
Dimanicys 8,930,449
TatchiMis 0
Abas 11,178,161
Coabandit2 54,995,791
NorUrObserver 880,653
SoloKult 61,697
IceDeath1 2,193,630
Coabandit5 24,289,619
Derrekkk 311,729
Xanatomil 6,026,951
Hasagasha 454,014
mrScout005 11,331,305
MrscoutNewgen 438,520
mrScout004 15,178,276
N193 24,281,684
occaususus 133,670

Previous Guild Members

150 Previous